RGH nurse’s strike ending Saturday morning
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The nurse’s strike at Rochester General Hospital is set to come to an end Saturday morning.
Hundreds of nurses and union supporters have been on the picket line since Thursday morning. Representatives from the union say they want a contract with a wage increase over the next five years. They say competitive wages would help retain experienced nurses.
Hospital leaders say they need more time to negotiate a contract and wanted to avoid a strike.
The nurses are planning to go back to work Saturday morning while their union leadership gets back to the negotiating table with management.
“These are your RGH nurses here, these are not travelers,” says Chief Nursing Officer, Shari McDonald. “These aren’t people who come on the job everyday because they want to make top pay over everybody else in the country, that is not the message. We are here for safe staffing, everyday, everyday.”
Rochester Regional Health says they’re looking forward to resuming talks and remain committed to transparent and collaborative negotiations.
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