Public hearings begin on RG&E and NYSEG rate hike requests

UPDATE: RG&E filed an amendment that would increase their prices of gas. If the state accepts the current request, average customers of RG&E will see a $8.50 increase for gas delivery and customers in NYSEG’s service area will see a $10.50 increase for gas delivery.

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — RG&E and NYSEG customers are bracing to pay more for the delivery of energy after the utilities submitted requests for substantial rate increases earlier this year.

Public hearings on the requests began on Thursday and many of the customers who signed up to speak urged regulators with the New York State Department of Public Service to deny the request.    

See our stories about RG&E billing issues:

If RG&E’s current request is granted, the average customer is looking at an increase of about $12.95 per month for electric delivery and an $8.50 hike for gas delivery. 

The average customer in NYSEG’s service area would see an increase of about $18.31 per month for electric delivery and $10.50 for gas delivery. 

News10NBC Investigative Reporter Jennifer Lewke spoke with the President of RG&E and NYSEG on Wednesday night about the rate case. 

Trish Nilsen (President, RG&E and NYSEG) – That rate case that we filed as one we were asking to be able to handle the energy delivery today but also to be able to serve our customers’ needs in the future>

Jennifer Lewke – It’s coming at a time when I think most people 1.) simply can’t afford it and 2) they’ve been dealing with these big bills and are saying “come on RG&E give me a break here” why do you need a rate hike right now?

Trish Nilsen – We need to be able to make investments in the energy future for our customers. That includes things like maintaining our infrastructure, we have underground services that need to have a replacement, we have communities that are growing that need to be able to handle the energy load in that community. We have aging infrastructure in our pipes and wires we also have the opportunity to offer new products and services to our customers.

In a statement, a spokesman for the NYSDPS says, “Department of Public Service staff is actively investigating/scrutinizing service quality in RG&E’s ongoing rate case and will provide recommendations to the Commission on areas of improvement.”

Public hearings continue next week, here’s the schedule:

DATE: Wednesday, September 28, 2022

TIME: 1:00 P.M.

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