People call for public takeover of RG&E at Monroe County Legislature meeting

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A public takeover of RG&E is what some people in Rochester want after months of billing and customer service issues. People called for a public takeover at Tuesday’s Monroe County Legislature meeting.

This follows hearings at City Hall on Feb. 7 and virtual hearings on Feb. 1 about the billing issues with the state regulators in charge of holding RG&E accountable.

The group Metro Justice is calling on city and county leaders to pay for a study on what it would take to create a public utility.

“The last couple of years RG&E has been severely overcharging me without taking accountability or rectifying their mistakes,” a speaker at the meeting said. “We already have a few towns in our county that have public electricity. And I believe those residents save a substantial amount every year.”

People will also speak out on the issue at a Rochester City Council meeting on Thursday at City Hall at 6 p.m. RG&E blames the billing issues on staffing shortages created by the pandemic.

More about calls to take over RG&E:

More about RG&E billing issues: